First off,
I want to say thank you to all of our loyal ZSK customers who have been patiently waiting for this update.
For those of you who may not know, the LJ-45 has had some issues with the HUD and menu options, and I'd like to explain why this happened, and what we did to fix the issue.
In September 2019, Linder Labs (developers of Second Life) made a change to the way LSL scripts are read in world, specifically on how scripts read chat and message functions. This broke a lot of scripts that use menus and HUD, including the LJ-45, B-17, and PA-38.
We launched a hotfix for all 3 of the products affected, however, Linden Labs then revised their update a couple of days later, which broke the fix in the LJ-45.
Because of the complexity of the LJ-45, creating a solid fix for the product was like walking around broken glass with a blindfold on. And, my time was very limited on working towards the fix, as 2020 and the COVID-19 situation was directly affecting me in real life.
It wasn't until yesterday that myself and our Testers finally found the issue with the HUD sync function and fixed it for good.
We're now going through the final stages of testing and publishing.
Please look for a group notice sometime in the next day or two for the update rollout.
~ZoraSlade Karu
