B-17G Flying Fortress
Manufactured by Boeing
Technical information
Crew: 10
Length: 22.65m
Wingspan: 31.17m
Max speeed: 220mph
Cruising speed: 150mph
Stall speed:
- Clean: 102mph
- Full flaps: 92mph
Rate of Climb: 500ft/min
13 x .05 Cal Browning M2 Machine guns
20 x 100lbs Bombs
4 x 500lbs Bombs
2 x 1000lbs Bombs

Physics Core
The aircraft features a unique physics core based on the real P-51D Mustang flight characteristics. This enables dynamic stalls, gliding, and unique acrobatic maneuvers. There are other characteristics such as ground taxiing and the tail rising on Take-off.
Visual effects
Enjoy the beautiful visual appearance of your aircraft. With use of Normal and Specular maps, the aircraft's skin appears and shines just like real aluminum. There are other effects, such as engine smoke, explosions, fire, and wingtip trails.

Carpet bombing
With VICE enabled bombs, you can choose different payloads to drop. You can choose to drop larger bombs or carpet bomb a target with lots of smaller bombs.